Friends of Harwich Council on Aging

Friends of Harwich Council on Aging


Non-Profit and Social Services Organizations

About Us

Established in 1974, Harwich Council on Aging provides funding and support to the Harwich Council on Aging Harwich and Harwich Older Adults primarily in five areas:
Nutrition - Emergency Food Certificates

Socialization - Craft Work Shops, Music Programs and Intergenerational Events

Transportation - Grocery stores, banks, post office and special events

Durable Medical Equipment - Walkers, canes, shower seats

Emergency Assistance - when recommended by COA Director, assist seniors with emergency expenses.


Hoping to get on the road again safely
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Harwich Seniors at Provincetown's Library
Another excursion - this time feeding the butterflies at Cape Cod Museum of Natural History!
A chilly cruise on Pleasant Bay